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Changes since last snapshot
- new isBipartite() graph algorithm
- graph generator changes:
- simpler re-implementation of planarCNBGraph()
- new graph generators:
- preferential attachment graphs
- regular lattice graphs
- Watts-Strogatz graphs
- Chung-Lu graphs
- Geographical Threshold graphs
- Waxman graphs
- generic randomEdgesGraph()
- layout changes:
- new NodeRespecterLayout
- SchnyderLayout can now compute the 1989’s paper version by using SchnyderLayout::setCombinatorialObjects(SchnyderLayout::CombinatorialObjects::Faces)
- fix for FMMMLayout’s setting of random seeds
- LayoutStatistics changes:
- new numberOfNodeOverlaps() method
- new numberOfNodeCrossings() method
- numberOfCrossings() can now return statistical measures on crossings
- file format changes:
- removal of OGML reader and writer
- the Chaco file reader is now stricter
- improvements in GraphAttributes support for DOT, DL, GEXF, TLP, GraphML, GDF, GML
- miscellaneous new methods:
- Graph::insert(otherGraph)
- EdgeElement::isAdjacent(otherEdge)
- GraphAttributes::nodeBoundingBoxes(boundingBoxes)
- MaxFlowModule::isFeasibleInstance()
- statistical methods in Math, e.g., standardDeviation()
- general (sometimes internal) changes:
- rbegin() and rend() now work with reverse iterators instead of forward iterators
- rbegin() is renamed to backIterator() where a reverse iterator does not make sense
- improvements for internal types (e.g., add swap(), key_type, value_type for ArrayBuffer)
- slight refactoring of big algorithm classes (e.g. for minimum Steiner trees)
- improvements in test coverage, tests, and documentation
- ban of DisjointSets copies
- MinSTCut-related fixes
- compilation under MingW should now work again
- further minor bug fixes (also regarding COIN and CPLEX)
- build system changes (CMake):
- new system-wide installation including CMake’s find_package() support
- test resource files are now compiled into the tests for independent tests
- removal of NDEBUG-requirement for release modes in one-configuration environments
- new doc/examples/check-build-mode.cpp example to test build configuration
- bug fixes (e.g., PROJECT_BINARY_DIR instead of CMAKE_BINARY_DIR is used)